The Neurosurgery Grand Rounds is a multidisciplinary Grand Rounds, attended by Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuroradiology, Neuropathology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, as well as associated disciplines such as nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, social work, and psychology. Clinical or basic science topics are presented by the teaching faculty of one the Neuroscience disciplines or, frequently, a visiting professor. It schedules for September to June, 8:00-9:00 am.
The attending neurosurgeons, on a rotating basis, present case management problems to the neurosurgical residents, usually in an oral exam type format. An emphasis is made on the teaching points. At the faculty‘s discretion, the format of these rounds may be varied. The Program Director spends at least one session at the beginning of each academic year going over the program‘s goals and objectives with all of the residents, reviewing the CanMEDS competencies, and all of the UBC postgraduate policies relevant to their training. These sessions have also been used for discussions on topics of health advocacy such as law and policy relating to drinking and driving, mandatory use of helmets, and restraint devices, competency and consent, and withdrawal of care.
The CPC involves case presentations by a neurosurgical or neurology resident, assigned on a rotation basis. The case presentation should involve participation by the audience and be concluded by a discussion on the topic of presentation.
At Correlative Rounds, cases are selected and presented by the Chief Resident to the staff, and residents. Neuroradiology and neuropathology are asked to attend to present relevant radiology and pathology and be involved in the teaching and discussion. Residents from other services (ie neurology) also attend for the educational value. Cases are selected because of their educational value with respect to management issues, and post-operative care as well as outcome. Emphasis is placed on correlation of neuroanatomy, imaging, pathology, operative strategy, and complication avoidance.
This is a weekly multidisciplinary rounds held in the radiology department. Management of vascular cases are discussed. Neurology/Neuroradiology/Neurosurgery/interventional neuroradiology opinions are gathered for difficult cases. (These rounds are not mandatory but are popular and well attended – lunch provided!)
Epilepsy Rounds involves a multidisciplinary case discussions attended by Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuroradiology, and Neuropsychology. (These rounds are not mandatory but resident attendance is recommended).
This is a weekly case conference conducted at the BC Cancer Agency. Clinical cases are reviewed with their pathology in the context of a multidisciplinary setting for management recommendations.
(These rounds are not mandatory but resident attendance is encouraged when patients they have been involved in are presented for discussion)
Spine Rounds are conducted weekly with all members of the Combined Neuro-Ortho Spine unit, which involves new case presentations, and review (mandatory for residents on the combined spine service)
Pediatric rounds are held at the BC Children’s Hospital, These include:
- Pediatric Neuroradiology Rounds – A weekly teaching session is run by the Pediatric Neuroradiologists
- Pediatric Epilepsy Conference – A multidisciplinary conference to discuss patients potentially requiring surgical treatment for epilepsy. This conference alternates with a clinic, where patients are assessed prior to and after surgery for epilepsy. This is held every 2 weeks.
- Oncology Case Discussions – The neurosurgery resident on their pediatric rotation will attend this round when any neuro-oncology patient is being presented. This occurs approximately twice per month.