Resident Ward Rounds
Morning rounds often begin in Main ICU, 2nd Floor Jim Pattison Pavillion, then the team proceeds to the Neurosurgical Ward.
Academic Rounds & Conferences
A variety of interdisciplinary teaching rounds including neurosurgeons, neurologists, radiologists and pathologists.
Journal Clubs
Relevant papers selected by the Chief Resident, are pre-circulated, and residents review the papers to be discussed.
Resident Research Day
Forum at which each PGY2-6 resident presents a paper based on their original research.
B.C. Neuroscience Day
Forum at which faculty from the B.C. Neuroscience community present topics along with an invited professor/Keynote speaker.
Morbidity & Mortality Conference
Weekly Quality Assurance Ward Audit, where the management and course of all in-patients are discussed.
Ambulatory Care Clinics
Oupatient clinics attended by residents, where new consultations and follow up patients are seen under supervision of a staff surgeon.
Postgraduate Seminar Series
Seminar Series with topics selected based on the Neurosurgery Objectives of Training and Requirements